1) As an escort, it is wise to let your immediate family know where you are and with whom you are traveling.
2) Upon your arrival to your destination make sure you contact your relative or friend of your whereabouts.
3) Assure them that you are safe and in familiar surroundings.
4) Always share your hotel and contact information with a third party.
5) Give your family and friends your email, location and contact information in case of an emergency.

It’s always nice to know that there is a new elite escort service program that is coming into play at our headquarters. We have been meeting and will meet with many successful and fantastic entrepreneurs throughout time and as we move forward.

Our site is designed for members to initiate the first contact with each other. Many of those individuals who use our websites should be able to independently screen their partners-to-be, at least for that particular trip they will be pairing up with.